
luxury living Archives | Imperio Properties


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After 3 years of preparations and construction, the completion of the impressive project is marked by the delivery of the first Icon apartments to their owners; the grand project by Imperio that adorns the coastline of Limassol.

Imperio began to hand over the luxury apartments of The Icon – the imposing project of Imperio in the heart of Limassol’s coastline – to their owners, after the completion of its construction works.

A high risediamond

The impressive 125-meter, 21-storey building is located in Yermasogeia and offers panoramic views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea. The special design of the Icon, signed by UDS Architects, inspired by the unique shape of a luminescent diamond, while its total value is around 100 million Euros. But beyond its exterior beauty, the Icon has 60 comfortable, luxurious 1-4 bedroom apartments overlooking the blue, with high-end finishes throughout.

Services and amenities

The design of the Icon includes numerous amenities that will offer unique experiences to both residents and visitors. On the 10th floor of the building there will be an impressive bar and Water Club, which will have an infinity-edge pool – one of the most impressive pools in the world – while all facilities will be surrounded by ornate gardens. There will also be a restaurant on the same floor, offering fine Mediterranean cuisine and panoramic sea views.

In addition, the 11th floor is designed to house a state-of-the-art Fitness and Yoga Club, whose guests can enjoy fitness services and a yoga studio.

Learn more about extraordinary living at The Icon

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#KingIcon: Talk of the town

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The Icon, which now dominates the Limassol coastline, may have already caught the eye with its impressive architecture and unique and innovative features, but it has become the talk of the town for another reason: The stunning blue sculpture, placed next to the main entrance of the building and which represents the gorilla from the internationally famous movie, King Kong.

It is no coincidence, then, that the blue King Kong, which dominates next to the main entrance of the Icon, captivates the eye. Passers-by make their daily stop at the Icon to admire the masterpiece of the French artist, while already a number of newlywed couples have taken part in their wedding photography at the spot, next to the impressive work.

King Icon, therefore, from the entrance of the diamond building in Limassol sends to passers-by and visitors the message that we must see beyond the image. And this is his wild charm.

Learn more about extraordinary living at The Icon


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Almost 50 unique apartments at The Icon have been sold. Be the Icon and live the extraordinary in one of the most integrated luxury residential projects in Limassol.

Only a limited number of luxury residences are available.

The luxury apartments of The Icon have innovations such as hidden air conditioning systems, home automation and underfloor heating, while they are lined with the impressive Parnon marble, features which offer a high quality of life. The apartments are delivered to their owners fully furnished and equipped with all the necessary home appliances and household items.

The interior design of the residences was undertaken by Obliq Interiors, offering a high design that combines modern luxury with comfort. The interiors of the apartments have been designed using a combination of furniture from various brands such as Ivano Redaelli, Cattelan Italia, Brabbu, Ana Roque, while unique pieces of Ethimo have been selected for the outdoor furniture. In addition, all the accessories that adorn the apartments bear the signature of the famous American interior designer Jonathan Adler.

An Unparalleled Experience in a Prominent Location

Every detail is carefully considered to ensure the most memorable experience. The Icon offers high level of privacy. Experience Limassol – idyllic, eclectic, energetic The Icon is located in the heart of Limassol’s Tourist area in Yermasogeia, just 100m from the sea.

A Ground-breaking Collaboration

The Icon is the creation of visionary developers Imperio, one of Cyprus’ most progressive and respected property development groups.

So far, out of the total 60 apartments of the project, only 12 residences remain available.

Learn more about extraordinary living at The Icon


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Inspired and crafted by the well-known French artist Richard Orlinski. Wild Kong sculpture, stands next to the iconic entrance of The Icon, Limassol, aiming to produce an immediate emotional response to the visitors from the first sight. #KingIcon

Mouth open on scary fangs, the resin gorilla self-proclaims invincible by hammering his torso with his threatening fists. Reinterpreting the fantastic creature of King Kong, Richard Orlinski asks us about our archaic fears about our animality. But the ferocious beast is capable of tenderness.

“In each sculpture, I have already made I tried to put a symbol telling a story. Nothing is there by random or only for decoration”, he said of his work. “In creating, I release my positive energy. I would like my creations to help men channel their dark thoughts, transform them into beauty.”

Violence is in nature, it is vital, but Richard Orlinski also knows that beauty can turn violence into a positive emotion. Richard Orlinski sculpts to sublimate reality and creates living, beautiful and timeless artworks that arouse emotion in the public’s eyes. He mainly uses contemporary materials such as resin and aluminium, but also marble, stone and bronze.

Learn more about extraordinary living at The Icon

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Σε δύο χρόνια ένας ακόμη επιβλητικός πύργος 21 ορόφων θα δεσπόζει του τοπίου σε μια από τις πιο προνομιούχους παράλιες περιοχές του δήμου Γερμασόγειας στη Λεμεσό.

Τα κατασκευάστηκα έργα του project της εταιρείας Imperio οποία ανήκει στο γαμπρό του προέδρου Αναστασιάδη, Γιάννη Μισιρλή, βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη.

Ο κ. Μισιρλής, ο οποίος είναι και αναπληρωτής πρόεδρος του παγκύπριου συνδέσμου επιχειρηματιών ανάπτυξης γης και οικοδομών, δήλωσε στη StockWatch ότι «η αξία του έργου θα ανέλθει γύρω στα €90 εκ. ενώ έχει ήδη προπωληθεί το 25% των πολυτελών διαμερισμάτων».

Σύμφωνα με τον κ. Μισιρλή οι αγοραστές είναι ρώσοι, άραβες, ισραηλίτες, αλλά και κύπριοι κάτοικοι εξωτερικού.

Ο κ. Μισιρλής ανέφερε επίσης ότι το Icon, στην ολοκλήρωση του, πολύ εύκολα θα μπορεί να συγκριθεί με αντίστοιχα έργα παρόμοιου βεληνεκούς σε Λονδίνο, Παρίσι, Μαϊάμι και Νέα Υόρκη».

Πρόκειται, πρόσθεσε, για ένα εντυπωσιακό σε σχεδιασμό και προδιαγραφές κτίριο που θα κοσμεί την ακτογραμμή της Λεμεσού για τις επόμενες δεκαετίες.

Σύμφωνα με τα σχέδια του έργου, στον δέκατο όροφο θα υπάρχει μια εντυπωσιακή πισίνα και εστιατόριο με φόντο τη μεσόγειο ενώ στον ενδέκατο όροφο, έχει σχεδιαστεί το Fitness & Yoga Club με εξίσου εκθαμβωτική θέα.

Αξιοσημείωτο είναι και το γήπεδο τένις στον τέταρτο όροφο που θα βρίσκεται στη διάθεση των ενοίκων.

Οι ανέσεις που προσφέρει το Icon είναι πολυάριθμες ξεπερνώντας ακόμη και εκείνες που προσφέρουν υπερπολυτελή ξενοδοχεία με 24ωρη ασφάλεια και εξυπηρέτηση, ανέφερε ο κ. Μισιρλής.

Το Icon έχει σχεδιαστεί από την αρχιτεκτονική εταιρεία UDS Antoniades + Eleftheriou Architects.

Σημειώνεται επίσης ότι στο συγκεκριμένο χώρο υπήρχε το ιστορικό νυχτερινό κέντρο Triangle Bar, το οποίο κατεδαφίστηκε.

Ο πύργος, ο οποίος θα έχει πανοραμική θέα, θα είναι συνολικού ύψους 125 μέτρων και αναμένεται πως θα παραδοθεί τον Δεκέμβριο του 2020.

Source: Stockwatch

Cyprus Russian Business: “Don’t be afraid of high-rises”

By | cip, Cyprus, Investment, Latest Posts

Начать разговор с темы высотного строительства было вполне логично, ведь Яннис Мисирлис сейчас строит один из самых необычных небоскрёбов Кипра. Его экспертное мнение имеет немалый вес, потому что под брендом Imperio уже построены десятки жилых домов и несколько крупных офисных центров. Впрочем, Яннис не ограничился темой строительства и поделился своим видением касательно будущего Лимассола и всего острова. Например, наш собеседник предложил рассмотреть возможность превращения Кипра в центр авиаиндустрии: для этого можно и нужно использовать успешный опыт работы шипингового сектора.

– В последнее время высотное строительство в Лимассоле подвергается резкой критике. Основные вопросы – отсутствие генерального плана Лимассола, сомнительная эстетика высоток и блокирование ими вида на море для остальных домов, которые из-за этого теряют в стоимости. Каково ваше мнение на этот счёт?

– Высотки не могут портить внешний вид города, они – его неотъемлемая часть. Вспомним Нью-Йорк, Лондон или Чикаго – их ландшафт является символом делового мира. Лимассол, конечно, не сможет стать вторым Манхэттеном или Дубаем: в ближайшие несколько лет мы увидим законченными не более десяти высотных зданий.

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Jasmine Residences

By | Investment, Latest Posts, Mondrian Residences, Properties

Living at Jasmine Residences offers a unique and pleasurable experience to all the residents. The signature interiors by Imperio bring a warm yet contemporary design edge to the project, transforming the residences into sophisticated, art-filled homes maximising the internal floor space and the abundant, natural light. All the rooms co-exist and complement each other, creating exceptional living areas that are perfect for relaxation and ease.

Occupancy: 04/2020

See Project

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Pantheon Hill Residences: Enjoy Every Moment

By | Cyprus, Investment, Latest Posts, Pantheon Hill Residences

When a home brings an unmistakably contemporary edge to uptown living on the hills of Panthea in Limassol you should reset your expectations and live at Pantheon Hill Residences. The interior design itself is paired with high-end finishes to offer residents every convenience along with a host of brilliantly contemporary luxuries.

Discover the benefits of investing in a second home and acquiring the European citizenship or a Permanent Resident Permit (PR). Contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programmes of Cyprus and our properties.



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The Icon: the joy of high-rise living

By | cip, Cyprus, Investment, Latest Posts, Uncategorized

54 immaculately designed residences are delivered fully finished with inspired interiors and outdoor living spaces designed by Imperio’s award-winning team.

All of these unique residences were designed to gracefully frame views of the city of Limassol, the coastline and the sky offering an effortless sense of ease and relaxation.

Discover the benefits of investing in a second home and acquiring the European citizenship or a Permanent Resident Permit (PR). Contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programmes of Cyprus and our properties.


Visit The Icon for more information.