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September 2020: Cyprus real estate in full recovery mode

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Cyprus’ real estate transactions are up 14% in September 2020, compared to September 2019. Transactions in Limassol were up 5% in the previous month.

The demand by locals in Cyprus increased significantly in September, in comparison to the correspondent month of 2019. In Limassol, the domestic sales transactions remained at the same level as of September 2019.

Total transactions of September in Cyprus are up 14% compared to September 2019

Chart 1

Total transactions of September in Limassol increased +5%, in comparison to September 2019

Chart 2

Domestic demand for real estate has a significant increase, following the transactions’ high number of the summer months of 2020

+29% increase in Cyprus’ real estate sales by local buyers in September

Chart 3

Only 3 sales transactions less by local buyers in September in Limassol (173), compared to the correspondent month of 2019 (176)

Chart 4

Based on the official data of September’s sales transactions, Cyprus real estate is in the process of full recovery

Developers should focus on local buyers

RE sector proves once again its important contribution to the Cyprus’ economy

Real estate transactions exceeded expectations in August

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With August being a traditionally “difficult” month for the real estate market. This year’s transactions, according to official figures, are at the same level as last year’s despite the extremely difficult conditions imposed by the pandemic since the beginning of 2020. It is important that the demand for real estate from the local population showed a significant increase last month, due to the fact that many Cypriots chose to stay in Cyprus throughout August.

Total transactions of August in Cyprus only -5% compared to the corresponding month last year

Chart 1

Total transactions of August in Limassol (193), only three less than August 2019 (196)

Chart 2

Domestic demand for real estate has increased significantly during the summer months

+5% increase in Cyprus’ real estate sales by local buyers in August

Chart 3

Specifically in Limassol, +6% increase in Cyprus’ real estate sales by local buyers in August

Chart 4

Developers should focus on local buyers

RE sector proves once again its important contribution to Cyprus’ economy

Back to School: 5 top private schools in Limassol

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Limassol is one of the top destinations to live in Europe. The city of Limassol has an extremely high standard of living and ideal climate conditions in one of the safest countries in the world. The city of Limassol is one of the most popular relocation choices for many professionals and their families. Limassol, as a modern multicultural city, has a variety of amenities and options for the daily life of a family. The English-speaking private schools of all levels, from Kindergarten to primary and high school, are at a top-level and their reputation is proof of that.

Some of the best private schools in Cyprus are located in Limassol. Most of them are model schools, while some of them are the top schools in the country.

The Grammar School Limassol

This is one of the best-known schools of Limassol followed by a great reputation. The purpose of The Grammar School Limassol is to promote the enduring qualities of consideration, curiosity and confidence in its students by encouraging them to think clearly, to make reasoned choices, and to be responsive to the world around them. At The Grammar School, the curriculum is designed to meet the students’ academic and personal needs. The academic programmes are rich and varied, giving students strong backgrounds in the natural and social sciences. English is the spoken language and children can enrol from the age of five. The yearly fees for 2020-2021 range from €4,370 to €8,170.

Foley’s School

Foley’s School is a private, independent, multinational and co-ed school. It is a British day-school with an international enrolment catering for all age groups from 3 years (Pre-Reception) to 18 (A levels and university entrance). This school has a British Curriculum with the language of instruction to be in English. Kids can join the school from the age of three and the yearly fees for 2020-2021 range from €6,300 to €10,800.

Heritage Private School

The Heritage Private School provides an education based on the UK National Curriculum for students in the age range 2 to 18: Early Years, Primary and Secondary, and all teaching and assessments are in English. The School aims to provide the same high quality of education as a well-respected UK private school, yet with very competitive fees.

Silverline Private School

Silverline Private School is an international school delivering the English National Curriculum to Kindergarten and Private and Primary students. Education in Secondary School, which also follows the English National Curriculum, culminates in students taking IGCSE, GCE AS & Advanced level qualifications through the Edexcel/Pearson examination board.

Lighthouse School

Lighthouse School is a child-centred progressive primary school created by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals. Its mission is to provide a holistic education based on established and successful models used by global leaders in confidence building, creative thinking and academic achievement. Lighthouse School has a British Curriculum and the yearly fees for 2020-2021 are €5,750.

Limassol, along with the infinite possibilities and amenities it offers, provides the top quality at all levels. All the private schools mentioned above are widely considered amongst parents to be some of the best choices for their child’s education. The long history of these private schools, their strong reputation and rich curriculum make them ideal options.

Source: International Schools Database

Застройщики рассказали, что россияне стали покупать больше недвижимости на Кипре

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Интерес обусловлен, в частности, программой выдачи гражданства инвесторам и низкой процентной ставкой, объяснили в Кипрской ассоциации застройщиков

МОСКВА, 11 августа. /ТАСС/. Спрос иностранных инвесторов, в том числе россиян, на недвижимость в кипрском Лимассоле за последние несколько недель вырос в 1,5 раза относительно показателей января-февраля, сообщила во вторник Кипрская ассоциация застройщиков (Cyprus Land and Building Developers Association – LBDA).

“За последние несколько недель интерес иностранных инвесторов к кипрской недвижимости, например, в Лимассоле, увеличился в 1,5 раза по сравнению с январем-февралем текущего года. При этом, почти половина из них (около 40%) – граждане России”, – говорится в сообщении.

По словам заместителя председателя Кипрской ассоциации застройщиков, директора-основателя Imperio Properties Янниса Мисирлиса, пока границы закрыты, потенциальные покупатели пользуются услугами виртуальных туров и ведут переговоры с застройщиками. “Мы ожидаем, что во второй половине 2020 года мы увидим активный рост непосредственных сделок с недвижимостью”, – приводятся в сообщении слова Мисирлиса. Как подчеркнули в ассоциации, устойчивый интерес к недвижимости Кипра обусловлен, в частности, программой выдачи гражданства инвесторам и низкой процентной ставкой. Кроме того, Кипр успешно сдерживает распространение коронавируса.

При этом решение кипрских властей увеличить ставку налога на дивиденды и проценты по займам из России до 15% не окажет существенного влияния на местный рынок недвижимости, считают в компании Golden Brown Cyprus. Дело в том, что речь идет о налогообложении дивидендов на кипрские компании, владеющие российскими активами.

“С недвижимостью это связано минимально, так как эти дивиденды зачастую реинвестировались в Россию. Изменение ставки может повлиять на решение россиян открывать компании на Кипре с целью получения дивидендов. Однако, выбирая между немногочисленными российскими свободными экономическими зонами и Кипром, многие все равно продолжат выбирать последний, <…> ведь в случае судебных разбирательств дела будут рассматриваться в европейских судах”, – привела пресс-служба Golden Brown Cyprus слова генерального директора компании Татьяны Бурлаковской.

По данным Кипрской ассоциации застройщиков, в Лимассоле средняя цена квартиры с тремя спальнями (за исключением высотных зданий) в 2019 году составила €450 тыс. Цены в 2020 году практически не изменились. Средняя сумма аналогичных сделок в 2018 году была около €400 тыс. По итогам 2019 года Россия стала лидером по числу сделок купли-продажи на Кипре среди стран, не входящих в ЕС.

Cyprus Investment Programme improved

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The Cyprus’ Parliament voted into law, last Friday two bills and approved regulations aimed at improving Cyprus’ citizenship by investment programme.

The Plenary Session of the Cyprus’ Parliament passed the two bills into laws and approved the regulations for the implementation of the Cyprus Investment Programme, particularly the plan of the Republic of Cyprus to grant Cyprus’ citizenship to foreign entrepreneurs and investors as well as the honorary citizenship for reasons of public interest.

The Deputy Chairman of Cyprus Land & Building Developers Association and Founding Director of Imperio – one of the island’s most reputable property developers, Mr Yiannis Misirlis, stated that the regulations are now official and this puts an end to any uncertainty that prevailed in the last few weeks. Having a defined set of regulations ensures both the credibility and the continuation of the programme.

Mr Misirlis, also, adds, “While the interest of foreign buyers may have increased by 50% in the past few weeks when compared to January & February this year, this interest is not developed into transactions. This makes sense”, developer explains, “since many people do not feel comfortable to travel by air yet. We believe that this pent-up demand will be converted into successful transactions this coming autumn”.

“At the moment, Cyprus managed to handle the Covid-crisis in a very efficient manner, and become a global example. This, in combination with the stability of the real estate sector in Cyprus over the last 5 years, makes it even more attractive to potential buyers.

We can’t wait to welcome potential buyers & investors to this magnificent island”, Mr Misirlis concludes.

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Butterfly Foundation: Δωρεά 10 αναπνευστήρων & 20,000 ιατρικών στολών προς ΟΚΥπΥ

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Το Butterfly Foundation, με πρωτοβουλία της Imperio και τη στήριξη 12 άλλων εταιρειών, προχώρησε σε δωρεά εξοπλισμού ύψους πέραν των 300,000 ευρώ (€ 300,000) προς τον Οργανισμό Κρατικών Υπηρεσιών Υγείας για στήριξη των υπηρεσιών υγείας, των επαγγελματιών υγείας και την κάλυψη των εκτάκτων αναγκών που προκύπτουν από την εξάπλωση του ιού COVID-19 στη χώρα μας.

Στις δύσκολες ώρες που περνά η χώρα μας αλλά και ολόκληρη η ανθρωπότητα το Butterfly Foundation, έπειτα από συνεννόηση με τον ΟΚΥπΥ και το Υπουργείο Υγείας ανέλαβε το κόστος της παραγγελίας και παράδοσης 10 ιατρικών αναπνευστήρων τελευταίας τεχνολογίας καθώς επίσης και 20,000 ιατρικών στολών υψηλών προδιαγραφών.

Η πιο πάνω δωρεά έγινε κατορθωτή με την σημαντική στήριξη των πιο κάτω εταιριών τις οποίες και ευχαριστούμε:

Αλφαμέγα Υπεραγορές, Αlpha TV Κύπρου, Αρτοποιία Ζορμπάς, Columbia Ship Management, Deloitte, Exness, Imperio, Loutsios Group, Metaquotes Software, Morcel, Τράπεζα Κύπρου, Τσιμεντοποιία Βασιλικού και Windsor Brokers

Η πράξη αυτή αποτελεί την ελάχιστη στήριξη προς τις υπεράνθρωπες προσπάθειες που καταβάλουν οι επαγγελματίες ιατρικού και παραϊατρικού προσωπικού για την καταπολέμηση του ιού και την προστασία όλων μας.

#ΘαΤαΚαταφέρουμε #ΜένουμεΣπίτι


israel, realestate, jerusalem, imperio, cyprus, limassol

Home sales slump in Israel’s biggest cities, whilst in Limassol, property investors make money

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The number of annual real estate deals has fallen in recent years in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, the Madlan website reports.

A slump in the number of deals in Israel’s big cities and a slump in the luxury housing market and price rises by tens of percentage points in many cities – these were the more outstanding findings in a report of Israel’s real estate market over the past decade by the website Madlan.

Madlan CEO Eitan Singer explains that his company gathers data about the real estate market for a range of sources including deals published by the Israel Tax Authority, data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the number of Airbnb apartments in every neighborhood, and more.

Jerusalem losing ground

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel’s population grew 19% over the past decade – but Madlan’s data shows less deals in Israel’s biggest cities.

Jerusalem, Israel’s biggest city, had the largest number of deals but it lagged behind population growth. For example in 2010, Jerusalem’s population was 40% larger than Tel Aviv yet there were 10% more deals in Tel Aviv.

Madlan believes that this was due to the unique characteristics of Jerusalem – a large young population, illegal construction, and the Arab sector where young adults live with their parents until they get married.

In Tel Aviv itself, the number of deals annually has fallen from 6,686 in 2010 to just 3,826 in 2019. Madlan attributes this to the sharp rise rises in the city and new measures that have taken investors out of the market such as reduced financing and higher purchase taxes on second apartments.

Singer said, “In Tel Aviv, we see a fall in the number of deals from the middle of the decade. 2018 was the low-point of the decade in terms of new deals – due to the rise in prices in the city, which greatly reduced the number of potential buyers of new apartments. The capital required to buy an apartment is higher today even in neighborhoods in south Tel Aviv and Jaffa – in fact it has more than double itself in some neighborhoods.

In Haifa too there was a fall in the number of deals from 5,393 in 2010 to 3,525 in 2019.

Read more:

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Cyprus amongst the happiest countries in Europe!

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Cyprus are amongst the top 50 happiest countries in Europe according to a new index developed by scientists.
The system for judging a nation’s satisfaction is based on official statistics rather than questionnaires answered by some of the population.
Data on a country’s development, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace are measured to build rankings and work out how people can be made happier.
Of 13 countries on which the index was tested, Iceland and Sweden come out on top, with a 76 out of 100 score. Austria places third on 74, and the UK fourth with 69.
Experts hope analysing countries this way could help develop strategies for their countries to improve people’s happiness.
Here is the table:

source: Cyprus Daily


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Cyprus: Growth softens but stays resilient in Q1

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Growth decelerated to 3.4% in year-on-year terms in the first quarter of the year, down somewhat from the previous quarter’s 3.8%.

Outstanding a breakdown by components, the accompanying press release points out that growth was mainly supported by the following sectors: hotels and restaurants, retail and wholesale trade, construction, and manufacturing.

In seasonally-adjusted quarter-on-quarter terms, the economy increased 0.9% in the first quarter, matching Q4’s expansion.

More detailed national accounts data will be released on 7 June.

Growth is expected to moderate this year, as debt repayment restrains consumer spending, although should remain solid nonetheless. Particularly, healthy wage and job gains should cushion the slowdown, while buoyant construction activity will fuel a strong rebound in fixed investment. Downside risks to the outlook include a disorderly Brexit, a banking system burdened by non-performing loans and large stocks of private and public debt.
FocusEconomics panelists expect GDP to increase 3.1% in 2019, which is unchanged from last month’s forecast, and 2.6% in 2020.

Author: Massimo Bassetti, Economist